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Ensuring Access to University Facilities

It is essential that the university community has access to all active facilities. Permission to film on campus requires the film crew to maintain access to areas where filming is occurring.

Script Approval Guidelines

A full copy of the final script or storyboard must be submitted to the campus filming liaison for approval. The Campus Filming Office must approve the script before the contract is signed. Any changes or additions to the script, including title changes, must be reported to the liaison. Scripts may be rejected if they contain content related to drug use, excessive violence, nudity, or any material deemed obscene, overly sexually explicit, or derogatory toward higher education. This includes any negative portrayal of students or faculty.

Insurance Requirements

A certificate of insurance for $1M is required, with the university named as an additional insured for the day(s) of the shoot. For filming at Galen Center, a $2M certificate is necessary.

Placement of Filming Equipment

Filming equipment such as cameras, tracks, and props must be arranged in a way that does not pose safety hazards. Film crews must prevent tripping or fire hazards, blocked exits, or other safety concerns. Cable coverings should be used when cables cross walkways, and layout boards must be placed under equipment in non-carpeted areas to protect the flooring. Cones must mark off production vehicles not in designated parking spaces. Prior approval is needed for using a Condor or other heavy crane on concrete or bricks, and plywood must be placed under the tires if used on grass.

Signage Guidelines

Directional signs for crew parking or set locations must be attached to stanchions and cannot be hung on trees, poles, or other structures. The company can provide its own stanchions or rent them from the university.

Fire and Tent Permit Requirements

Production companies are responsible for notifying the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Film Unit about any fire-related needs. If a tent is used, a copy of the tent permit must be displayed or carried by the location manager.

Property Modifications

No drilling, nailing, gluing, or altering of campus property is allowed without prior permission from the USC Campus Filming Office. If permission is granted, the property must be returned to its original condition unless other arrangements have been made.

Safe Construction Practices

Temporary construction must not damage university property or endanger the university community. Any construction affecting fire lanes or pedestrian safety must be approved by USC Safety and Risk Management Services.

Use of Fire Protection Equipment

The use of fire hydrants and other fire safety equipment must be coordinated with Safety and Risk Management Services and Facilities Operations in advance.

Catering and Grill Use

Caterers using charcoal grills must protect the ground underneath with layout boards or similar ground protection.

Fueling on Campus

Fuel trucks must remain off campus until refueling is required. Trucks must be fully equipped, and generators must be shut down before refueling—no “hot pumping” is allowed. A 50-foot perimeter must be established before refueling, and two people are required for the operation—one person pumps while the other holds a fire extinguisher.

No Smoking Policy

USC is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor university-owned or leased properties, including within vehicles parked on campus. This policy applies to all USC facilities, including housing, dining, athletic, and office spaces. Smoking is defined as the use of any lit product, including tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and marijuana.

Crew Conduct

All personnel connected to the production must maintain behavior that is respectful to the university community. Disruptive or offensive behavior will result in ejection from the campus.